General Committee Adjustment
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  • Welcome to the NEW & IMPROVED General Committee website
    Updated On: Jan 20, 2017

    In January of 2015 the Local Chairpersons of the Union Pacific Railroad, California Northern Railroad, Central California Traction Railroad, San Joaquin Valley Railroad, Stockton Terminal & Eastern Railroad and the Trona Railroad elected the current General Committee Officers of SMART-TD GO887. As promised, this Committee endeavors to establish a higher level of transparency to our members and officers. We made a commitment to update and maintain a website that would be educational and informative.

    Please keep in mind that this website is for members of SMART-TD GO887. The website will require a login & password to access most of the information due to the sensitive material available. Also, there will be certain areas of the website only accessible to elected Local Chairpersons.

    We welcome any feedback and suggestions that you may have to improve the website. This website will continue to develop as additional information and updates are added. We will continually improve the website through membership input. Thank you and enjoy the new website.

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